Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father's Day!!

I just copied this straight out of my journal:

Father’s Day! Cooper and I woke up at seven to make Blaine breakfast in bed. I started breakfast and then woke up the girls to get them fed. I made Blaine bacon egg and cheese biscuits and I also made him a delicious berry smoothie. Cooper, the girls and I took Blaine his breakfast. Cooper was wearing some special pjs that said I love Dad. I got the girls through the bath and ready for church. I put them at the kitchen table with crayons to make a card for their dad and then went upstairs to get myself ready. I had planned on trying to look especially nice so that we could take pictures after church, but I was running out of time. When I got out of the shower my eye itched really bad, I looked in the mirror and my eye was all blood shot red and swollen, I couldn’t wear my contacts and its no use trying to look good in my old, broken glasses, so I pulled my hair back and just put on a little mascara. Blaine got Cooper dressed for me in a little shirt that said “I love Dad” and little plaid pants! Finally we were all ready and headed out the door. We got to church just a few minutes early. I decided not to go to Relief Society because I would have to leave early, at 9:30 we were going to go to the other Sacrament meeting to see Brody, Cooper’s cousin born 3 weeks after him be blessed. I figured I would go to the classroom where Blaine and I teach the 14 year olds and get everything set up for the game we were going to play. Blaine took Cooper to Priesthood opening exercises and was then going to bring him to me. So I could get a quick feeding in before going to see Brody be blessed and having to teach. But only a few short minutes later I could hear Cooper crying in the hall way and then what sounded like Blaine telling someone to please go get me out of Relief Society. Cooper’s crying got worse so I went into the hallway to see what was the matter. Cooper had pooped through is diaper, through his shirt, through his pants and on to Blaine’s suit pants and jacket. This was the first time Blaine had ever been pooped on. Cooper decided to really break him in good on Father’s Day. Blaine went to go change him in the bathroom. I could hear poor Cooper cry the whole time. I took Cooper to feed him and get his clothes changed, into the white suit he was wearing for his blessing. I prayed he was done pooping and wouldn’t spit up to bad. At 9:30 we went to the other sacrament meeting to hear Brody’s blessing it was very nice. As soon as it was over Blaine and I slipped out to go teach our lesson. I was teaching as a little gift for Blaine for Father’s Day so of course a member of the bishopric asked if he could come to our class. As soon as I sat down to teach Cooper started to cry. I took him to feed him again and told Blaine to just do a review of last weeks lesson. Cooper fell asleep quickly so I was able to get back just as Blaine was finishing the review. I think the lesson went well I was able to keep everyone’s attention and keep them involved in the lesson with the game that I used. Then it was time for Sacrament. Cooper woke up and just started to fuss as we sang the opening hymn. I put his pacifier in and bounced him vigorously to try and comfort him. He stopped crying but he was awake and he wouldn’t keep the pacifier in. I just knew that he would scream through his blessing and I wouldn’t be able to hear it. Blaine took him up to bless him. Cooper was quiet for the entire thing. I wrote down Cooper’s blessing as well as Christine Potter, and Sister Selecta, so hopefully between the three of us we got the entire thing. He was blessed to love this family and friends, serve others, serve a mission, and marry a virtous woman. It was a beautiful blessing. Blaine sat down and asked me how it was and I said great. He asked if it was too short and I told him that it was perfect for Cooper. Cooper started to cry so it was off the Mother’s room for the rest of church. After church Blaine I went home and changed. Cooper wore his little tiny cute jeans for the very first time. Then we went over to Jared and Christine’s for a BBQ. Cooper got passed around so I was able to eat with both hands. Cori held him for a long time and she got him to sleep, which was a miracle because normally he likes to nurse to sleep. I think she held him almost the whole time we were there. After the BBQ we went over to Bruce and Sharon’s to spend some time with Bruce, since it was Father’s Day and all. Sharon got out Blaine’s baby book for me and Cooper looks JUST LIKE Blaine. I gave birth to Blaine, no joke. I am going to try to scan Blaine’s baby pictures into the computer and post them online so everyone can see. The only difference in Cooper and Blaine is Cooper’s lips and that is all! We watched a movie and Cooper and Blaine took a nap on the couch. They sleep in the same positions. It started to rain, and then pour, so we headed home. Went to bed late as usual but it was a really good day.

Cooper giving Daddy his breakfast, and showing him his special pjs.

Cooper and Dad all ready for church.

Taking a Sunday afternoon nap.

Sleeping in the same position.

They must have been tired.

Cooper in his blessing outfit. His GreatGran made him the blanket he is lying on. She made it after she had gone blind and way before I was ever married. But she made us each one for our children. GreatGran passed away when I was a teenager.

Looking good in his suit!

1 comment:

  1. Oh i just loved reading this!!! What a wonderful fathers day!! Thank goodness Cooper got his poops out before the white suit! lol
    I miss all my fam up there, so this really was nice to read. I want to come visit soon! Maybe towards the end of the summer i'll be able to come and see everyone! Love you!!!
