Sunday, February 7, 2010

Officially a Blogger

Ok I have never done this before and I already know I am not going to do a very good job at keeping this up to date but I will do my best.
I am not going to try to go back and fill in details with what has been going on because it would basically take forever and a day!!
I am going to start with NOW. haha
Well the latest thing to happen to us is our new addition! Bruno, our new puppy! He is a Yorkie and I am basically in love. Blaine is jealous that he loves me most but oh well Blaine already had a dog Max (our German Shepard) who loves him most so I claim Bruno.
I am now in my THIRD and FINAL trimester! I am so excited. I can't wait to meet this little guy who spends his day kicking me and making me uncomfortable. I have now gotten to the point where tying my shoes is the biggest chore of the day. And sitting for long periods of time is totally out! He apparently cannot stand it when I sit still.
Well i think that is all for now. But don't worry there is more to come including PICTURES!!


  1. (((HUGS)))


    I have a couple of blogs. One of which I will probably be ending/replacing soon.

    :) Send Booger Face my love, too!!

